The Boneline
Dry Riesling 2023 750ml
2023 Dry Riesling
Citron- Orange Blossm-Lime Zest-Braided River- Suncharged
North Canterbury’s 2023 vintage was defined by all the hallmarks of the La Niña weather pattern, while the region was fortunate to be unscaved from cyclone Gabrielle, the pattern brought increased cooler easterly weather and less of the heat from our traditional nor’ wester. Bud burst was reasonably early at the end of September. From there the temprature was slow to increase but reached above average levels by the time flowering started. The Summer weather was mild with above average growing degree days while rainfall levels followed the long term average until March when cyclone Gabrielle hit the country. While we did receive over 100mm of rain in March, the combination of open canopies and our free draining soil meant we avoided any pressure for disease or delay in ripening. Generally settled weather during the harvest period allowed for very careful picking descicions allowing for the 2023 wines to be rich and textural.
Our Estate grown grapes are hand harvested then whole bunch pressed gently over several hours. This wine is fermeted with high solids and only the very heavy less is left behind at racking. 10% of the Juice is allowed to ferment with native yeast in barrel. Fermentation is allowed to proceed at a moderate temperature and stopped when the sugar, acid, alcohol and phenolics are in balance. We hold the wine at a cool temp for the remainder of its time in the cellar to retain its natural co2 spritz from primary ferment. The wine is racked post ferment and spends 6 months on fine lees before being gently filtered for bottling.
Clean and clear with gold, silver, and green tints in the hues Aromas of sweet apples, lime oil, white flowers and summer herbs. Green citrus dominates the palate and is complimented with the texture from the high solids fermentation, the natural spritz give the palate a lift while the interplay between the pithy phenolics and cleansing acidity give a mouthfeel that resonates long after the wine has gone.
Parcel 1: Picked 31//04/23 Tech TA: 9.2 Brix: 20.5 pH: 2.92 Parcel 2: Picked 04/04/23 Bottled: 6/12/23 pH: 2.96 TA: 9.2 Alc:12.5%. pH:2.95 TA: 8.20 Brix: 21.7 RS:7.9g/l
Tasting Notes
Waipara Valley |
Bottle Closure Type
Screw Cap |
2023 |
12.50 |
Displaying wine available for shipping to Australia.
Price based on the best price for a case of 15x equivalent bottle spaces, all-inclusive of freight, taxes, duty and insurance from NZ Producer to your door in Australia. Bottle spaces are indicated on each product.
All prices based on live exchange rate.