Cable Bay
Reserve Pinot Gris 2021 750ml

Cable Bay Reserve Pinot Gris 2021 750ml

Fresh grapefruit juice, pacific rose apple, orange blossom and volcanic rock aromas all come together in a striking fusion. The power of the palate is a satisfying if unexpected surprise, packed with texture, creaminess and reassuringly chalky phenolics on the finish. It’s well balanced with nice fruit weight through the mid-palate. A well rounded wine from an outstanding year.


Minimum order: 3 bottles across Cable Bay Wine's range.
Tasting Notes
Awatere Valley
Bottle Closure Type

Displaying wine available for shipping to USA.
Price based on the best price for a case of 15x equivalent bottle spaces, all-inclusive of freight, taxes, duty and insurance from NZ Producer to your door in USA. Bottle spaces are indicated on each product. All prices based on live exchange rate.

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