Elephant Hill
Estate Rose Sparkling NV 750ml

Elephant Hill Estate Rose Sparkling NV 750ml
A gentle and refined, strawberry and plum fruited Sparkling Rosé. Dry, softly texture, lively yet elegant, with hints of honeydew and rock melon, and a salivating grapefruit freshness. 98% Syrah with a touch of Viognier.


The label is an abstract, contemporary landscape artwork in the (German) Bauhaus style by Zoe Chisholm, depicting our iconic view of Elephant Hill winery, vineyards, coastline and Cape Kidnappers.


Minimum order: 6 bottles across Elephant Hill's range.
Tasting Notes
Hawke's Bay
Bottle Closure Type

Displaying wine available for shipping to Australia.
Price based on the best price for a case of 15x equivalent bottle spaces, all-inclusive of freight, taxes, duty and insurance from NZ Producer to your door in Australia. Bottle spaces are indicated on each product. All prices based on live exchange rate.

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