WINE TASTES BETTER SHARED We make bold, vibrant, expressive wines to enjoy with food & friends. Because every day’s a celebration. And life’s too short to leave the “good wine” on the shelf.

Swift Wines
Swift Syrah 2019 750ml

Swift Wines Swift Syrah 2019 750ml

The OG wine that started it all — our whole bunch Syrah features hand-selected grapes, natural barrel fermentation, and a combination of whole berries for light ethereal notes and crushed fruit for dense & dark ‘oomph.’


Foot-stomped, hand-plunged and warmed by the sun. This harmonious blend of land, climate, vines, people & culture represents all that is glorious about Syrah. 


The 2019 season began with warmed high pressure, settling into a long summer of warm days & cool nights. The result is a wine with stellar fruit concentration — one that opens up beautifully in the glass. A little flinty, a little spicy, and a whole lot of broody black Doris plum. Yum. 



Grapes hailing from: Bridge Pā Triangle, Hawke’s Bay. A field blend of Chave (60%) & Mass Selection (40%). 


Best served: Straight from the bottle.


Pairs beautifully with: Any type of red meat dish — from BBQ steak to hearty lasagna. It’s insane with blue cheese and mushroom risotto, too! 


  • 1145 bottles produced: 3rd Edition

  • 750mL

  • 12.5% ALC/VOL

  • 7.4 Standard Drinks


Minimum order: 3 bottles across Swift Wines Ltd's range.
Tasting Notes
Hawke's Bay
Bottle Closure Type

Displaying wine available for shipping to Australia.
Price based on the best price for a case of 15x equivalent bottle spaces, all-inclusive of freight, taxes, duty and insurance from NZ Producer to your door in Australia. Bottle spaces are indicated on each product. All prices based on live exchange rate.

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