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Manawatū / Whanganui

Canterbury region Gisborne region Greater Auckland region Hawke's Bay region Marlborough region Nelson region Otago region Wairarapa region Waiheke Island region Manawatū / Whanganui region Canterbury region Gisborne region Greater Auckland region Hawke's Bay region Marlborough region Nelson region Otago region Wairarapa region Waiheke Island region Manawatū / Whanganui region

Discover & Purchase from Manawatū / Whanganui Producers

Nestled in the heart of New Zealand’s North Island, the Manawatū-Whanganui region is renowned for not only its rugged landscapes, but as Aotearoa’s newest wine-growing region, it is an emerging treasure. With a mix of rolling hills, fertile river plains, and a temperate climate influenced by both coastal breezes and alpine winds, Manawatū-Whanganui provides diverse conditions for viticulture. Though small in scale, with a focus on sustainability and craftsmanship, the wine embodies the region’s character—elegant, expressive, and distinctly New Zealand. Off the beaten path compared to our more established wine regions, Manawatū-Whanganui offers a chance to explore something authentic, fresh, and unique.

Manawatū / Whanganui

Nestled in the heart of New Zealand’s North Island, the Manawatū-Whanganui region is renowned for not only its rugged landscapes, but as Aotearoa’s newest wine-growing region, it is an emerging treasure. With a mix of rolling hills, fertile river plains, and a temperate climate influenced by both coastal breezes and alpine winds, Manawatū-Whanganui provides diverse conditions for viticulture. Though small in scale, with a focus on sustainability and craftsmanship, the wine embodies the region’s character—elegant, expressive, and distinctly New Zealand. Off the beaten path compared to our more established wine regions, Manawatū-Whanganui offers a chance to explore something authentic, fresh, and unique.

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Manawatū / Whanganui Producers A-Z

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