Sorrell Wines
Auntsfield Sauvignon Blanc 2022 750ml
The grapes were sourced from the Auntsfield vineyard in Marlborough’s Southern Valleys. Founded in 1873 by Scottish man David Herd, Auntsfield was Marlborough’s first commercial vineyard and winery. With its mix of high mineral Greywacke rock and old low fertility loess clay soils, this outstanding vineyard is regarded for its riper styles of wine with more structure, texture and minerality. This wine is made from 100% Sauvignon Blanc grapes. Naturally low yields allowed the vines to ripen small, golden bunches of intensely flavoured fruit.
The fruit was hand-picked and gently whole bunch pressed. After 24 hours of settling, the juice was racked at the desired turbidity. The inoculation occurred with yeast from Aunstfield vineyard. After two days of fermentation the wine was cooled and transferred to a combination of concrete and old French oak where it was left to ferment at warmer temperatures to help build texture and complexity. The wine was matured on fine lees for 16 months. This aging time allowed the wine to integrate and build concentration and depth of flavours before undergoing blending and bottling.
Tasting notes
The 2022 Auntsfield Blanc is a unique expression of site and varietal. Its striking flavours are rich and complex. On the nose are citrus and stone fruits, white flowers, wet slate, oyster shell and spices. The wine is textural and balanced, layered and complex. Pink grapefruit pith, nectarine and citrus flavours are wrapped around a great minerality. A backbone of mouth-watering acidity draws out the palate with an elegant finish.
Marlborough |
Bottle Closure Type
- |
2022 |
13.50 |
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