Spy Valley
Rosé 2022 750ml

Spy Valley Rosé 2022 750ml

Lifted sweet red berry fruits.


Fresh and lively with ripe raspberry flavours. 


Bell Block was separated into 2 separate press fractions and fermented separately in tank using 2 different yeasts suited to express the aromatics of a Pinot Noir Rose wine style. The A Block Pinot Noir was a small portion of Saignee in the blend providing extra colour and aromatics to the final blend. Saignee is the French technique of ‘bleeding’ off red juice from a tank of red must before it starts fermenting. This juice is then fermented as a white wine. The 3 components were then blended following a short time in tank on light yeast lees. 


Near perfect weather patterns over the flowering period and through December resulted in even crops and healthy canopies to ripen the fruit. The weather took a turn in February with above average rainfall and cooler temperatures for the month. Perfect ripening conditions then ensued through the remainder of the month and into March. Daily monitoring of our vineyards over the period of harvest was key to maintaining wine quality throughout the season.

Vegan Friendly

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Displaying wine available for shipping to Australia.
Price based on the best price for a case of 15x equivalent bottle spaces, all-inclusive of freight, taxes, duty and insurance from NZ Producer to your door in Australia. Bottle spaces are indicated on each product. All prices based on live exchange rate.

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