Richmond Plains
Chardonnay 2023 750ml

Richmond Plains Chardonnay 2023 750ml

Richmond Plains Chardonnay is an elegant wine made with a light oak influence to showcase the fresh fruity flavours.  It can be enjoyed on its own or with a wide variety of meals, particularly seafood and white meats.

Tasting: Attractive peach and vanilla aromas. Fresh fruity peach and nectarine flavours with a refreshing citrus finish and a subtle touch of oak.

Wine Making: Beautiful ripe grapes were pressed (33% whole bunch) and the juice was transferred into French oak barrels where it naturally underwent wild yeast ferment. The wine while sitting on its lees in oak barrels it was stirred once every 3 weeks to add texture complexity and aroma.  100% malolactic fermentation to soften acids and add a rich character to the wine.

Diet:  This wine is suitable for a vegan diet.

Certified organic: BioGro

Analysis: Alcohol 13.5%, Acidity 5 gms/L, Residual sugar nil

Richly fruited and inviting, the wine shows golden peach, vanilla, roasted hazelnut and brioche characters, leading to a beautifully rounded palate offering creamy texture backed by refreshing acidity. Wonderfully composed and expressed, offering terrific drinking. Certified organic. 93 Points, 5 Stars, Sam Kim (Wine Orbit) May 2023

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Tasting Notes
Bottle Closure Type
Screw Cap

Displaying wine available for shipping to Australia.
Price based on the best price for a case of 15x equivalent bottle spaces, all-inclusive of freight, taxes, duty and insurance from NZ Producer to your door in Australia. Bottle spaces are indicated on each product. All prices based on live exchange rate.

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