Misha's Vineyard
The Soloist Rosé 2024 750ml

Misha's Vineyard The Soloist Rosé 2024 750ml
"Delicately salmon-pink hued, this dry Rosé flaunts its pomegranate, rose petal and strawberry aromatics then follows with a complex palate of boysenberries with vanilla and nougat notes." Olly Masters (Winemaker)


94/100 Excellent “There’s instant impact from the bouquet with a fragrant, floral and fruity lift as the wine engages the senses, aromas of fresh red cherries and strawberry flesh, some wild red flowers with a seam of savoury spice showcases style and region. Satin-smooth as the wine touches the palate, super fine fruit tannins and plenty of acidity deliver a mouthfeel of freshness and youth. Balanced and well made with a plush salivating texture. Best drinking from day of purchase through end of summer 2027.” Nov 2024 (Cameron Douglas, MS, www.camdouglasms.com)



Minimum order: 6 bottles across Misha's Vineyard's range.
Tasting Notes
Central Otago
Bottle Closure Type
Screw Cap

Displaying wine available for shipping to Australia.
Price based on the best price for a case of 15x equivalent bottle spaces, all-inclusive of freight, taxes, duty and insurance from NZ Producer to your door in Australia. Bottle spaces are indicated on each product. All prices based on live exchange rate.

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