Larose 2022 750ml

Stonyridge Larose 2022 750ml

2022 was a season of challenges early but led into a settled warm summer after the fruit set, that gave us wonderful fruit quality across the board. Due to the Spring and early summer being challenging, particularly around the flowering, yields were reduced, and while that has impacted the volume of Larose, the wine is reflective of that small yield with huge concentration. Harvest was the earliest we have ever seen at Stonyridge, with picking wrapped up by the 25th of March. 

Larose 2022 is a massive, dense wine of huge power, extraction, and ripeness. The nose is initially perfume of rose and violet, then sandalwood and cedar. A deep vein of black and blue fruits follow and come to the fore after some vigorous swirling in the glass. The palate is opulent and rich, with gently grippy but fine structure and huge length. While it is incredible drinking right now, 2022 Larose will continue to develop in bottle for long period of time, with a drinking window of 5-30 years. 

Cabernet Sauvignon: 55% 

Merlot: 21% 

Petit Verdot: 18% 

Cabernet Franc: 5% 

Malbec: 0.6% 

Carmenere: 0.4% 


Minimum order: 2 bottles across Stonyridge Vineyard's range.
Tasting Notes
Waiheke Island
Bottle Closure Type

Displaying wine available for shipping to Australia.
Price based on the best price for a case of 15x equivalent bottle spaces, all-inclusive of freight, taxes, duty and insurance from NZ Producer to your door in Australia. Bottle spaces are indicated on each product. All prices based on live exchange rate.

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