Gruner Veltliner 2023 750ml
"Pristine and delicately aromatic, the bouquet shows nectarine, lime pith, green tea and jasmine nuances, leading to a brilliantly focused palate offering fine texture, with vibrant acidity, finishing splendidly long and mouth watering." 93/100 - Sam Kim, Wine Orbit
"Seamless gruner veltliner with crisp oyster shell, saline, lemon curd and green tea flavours. Flavoursome wine with appealing purity. A pleasure to taste." 94/100 - Bob Campbell, MW
"Like biting into a juicy pear with a sprinkle of white pepper in the background." - Kate, Cellar Door
Tasting Notes
Martinborough |
Bottle Closure Type
- |
2023 |
12.00 |
Displaying wine available for shipping to Australia.
Price based on the best price for a case of 15x equivalent bottle spaces, all-inclusive of freight, taxes, duty and insurance from NZ Producer to your door in Australia. Bottle spaces are indicated on each product.
All prices based on live exchange rate.